III. Knowledge, culture, expertise
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., Vlašská 355/9, 118 00 Praha 1
725 949 902
Research interests:
- oral history; Czech alternative music scene in the 80s and 90s
- 2015–2020: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, General Antropology (Ph.D.)
- 2013–2015: Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, Oral History and Contemporary History (Mgr.)
- 2010–2013: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, History (Bc.)
Professional career:
- 2022–present: PR manager, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2019–present: researcher, Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2015–2018: administrative assistant, Publicity Department of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Institutional and committees membership:
- 2022–present: member of Collegium for Popularization and PR, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2021–1/2024: chairwoman of the Revision Committee of the Czech Oral History Association
- 2018–present: member of the Revision Committee of the Czech Oral History Association
- 2014–present: member of the Czech Oral History Association
Research projects:
- 2021-2022: In the Rhythm of Freedom: the Transformation of Czech Alternative Music in the 1990s (Programme for the Support of Prospective Human Resources – Postdoctoral Fellows of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Reg. No. L300632101), principal investigator
- 2019–2021: Breaching the wall, we do need education!, Education, Audio visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), co-funded by European Commission within European for Citizens programme-European Remembrance; team member
- 2019–2021: Business trips abroad from Czechoslovakia in the years 1945–1989 (Czech Science Foundation), team member
- 2017–2019: Student Generation of 1989 in Longitudinal Perspective. Biographical Interviews after Twenty Years (Czech Science Foundation), team member
Selected publications:
- FIKAROVÁ, Lucie. Transformace české předlistopadové alternativní rockové hudby v 90. letech 20. století [The transformation of Czech pre-November alternative rock music in the 1990s]. In: Hrušková, K. – Nykodým, D. – Seiner, J.: České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století XVII. Hradec Králové: Nakladatelství Univerzity Hradec Králové 2023, s. 89–97.
- FIKAROVÁ, Lucie: Plzeň punková a metalová : punková a metalová alternativní hudební scéna v Plzni (1983-1995) [Punk and Metal in Pilsen. Alternative Punk and Metal Music Scene in Pilsen (1983-1995).] Praha: Karolinum, Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 2022.
- FIKAROVÁ, Lucie. “Euphoria, Anarchy, Sobering Up”: The 1990s in the Memories of Alternative Czech Rock Musicians (and Other Members of the Alternative Czech Rock Music Scene). Wrocławski rocznik historii mówionej, vol. 12 (2022), p. 142–162.
- MARKOVÁ, Lucie. Výkladní skříň československé kultury. Česká filharmonie a její výjezdy do zahraničí v 70. a 80. letech 20. století [Showcase of Czechoslovak Culture. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and its Tours abroad in the 1970s and 1980s.]. In: KRÁTKÁ, Lenka – MÜCKE, Pavel (ed.). Za hranice služebně. Pracovní cesty z Československa do zahraničí v letech 1945 až 1989 [“Abroad on Business.” Business Trips abroad from Czechoslovakia in the Years 1945-1989.]. Praha: Karolinum, ÚSD AV ČR 2022, s. 176–214.
- MARKOVÁ, Lucie. Women in a Men’s Collective in the 1970s and 1980s: The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra as an Example. History in Flux, vol. 3, no. 3 (2021), p. 177–197.
- MARKOVÁ, Lucie. Next Stop, Ruzyně International Airport: The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and its Tours Abroad in the 1970s and 1980s. The Journal of Transport History, vol. 42, no. 3 (2021), p. 399–419.
- MARKOVÁ, Lucie. Rockfest pohledem plzeňských muzikantů. MEMO, roč. 9, č. 2/2019, s. 7–24.