I. Politics, institutions, power
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., detašované pracoviště Puškinovo nám. 9, 160 00 Praha 6
- 2017 habilitation at FSV UK – modern history
- 1993–1997 High School Pardubice
- 1997–1998 Faculty of Arts, Ostrava University in Ostrava – domain History
- 1998–2004 Faculty of Arts, Palacky Univerzity in Olomouc – domain History (M.A.)
- 2003 UFR d´histoire, Université Paris–Sorbonne (Paris IV), Paris (ERASMUS internship)
- 2004–2009 Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague – Ph.D. in Czech History
- Modern and Contemporary History, History and Memory, Oral History
Employment History:
- 2006–present Research Assistant and later Senior Researcher, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
- 2017–2023 Vice-Director, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
- 2008–2023 Lecturer, later Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Oral History and Contemporary History/Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
- 2004–2005 Research Collaborator in grant project Databasis of 19th Century World History and Modern Historiography Sources (Faculty of Arts, Palacky University in Olomouc)
- 2002–2003 Research Collaborator in grant project Political Elites and Dissent in the Era of so called Normalisation. Biographical Interviews (Institute of Contemporary History, CAS – Palacky University in Olomouc)
Projects (selected):
- 2023–present scientific project NAKI III (Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic) Služba vlasti jako zdroj národní identity. Identifikace, dokumentace a prezentace historických pramenů k institutu povinné vojenské služby v českých zemích (1869–2004) [Serving the homeland as a source of national identity. Identification, documentation and presentation of historical sources for the institute of compulsory military service in the Czech lands (1868–2004)], (principal investigator: Jiří Hlaváček) team member and scientific guarantor
- 2022–present scientific project of consorcium Institute of Contemporary History, Psychological Institute and Sociological Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences (supported by Institute of Organical Chemistry and Biochemistry) Interdisciplinar Research of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 Times (principal investigator: Miroslav Vaněk, since 2024 Přemysl Houda), team member
- 2023 Reborn Entrepreneurship: Beginning of Small Business and Trades Between 1989-1992 (supported by Grant Agency of Charles University; principal investigator: Marek Skála) scientific guarantor
- 2021–2022 History of Czech Creative Writing from the Perspective of its Founders (supported by Grant Agency of Charles University; principal investigator: Pavel Jonák) scientific guarantor
- 2019–2021 – regular grant project of Czech Science Foundation No. 410/19-09594S Problematika pracovních cest z Československa do zahraničí v letech 1945-1989 [Business trips abroad from Czechoslovakia in the years 1945–1989] (principal investigator: Lenka Krátká), team member
- 2017–2019 – regular grant project of Czech Science Foundation No. 410/19-19311S Armáda jako nástroj socializace: Reflexe fenoménu základní vojenské služby v českých zemích (1968-2004) [Army as an instrument of socialization: Reflection of the phenomenon of compulsory military service in the Czech lands (1968-2004)] (principal investigator: Jiří Hlaváček), external collaborator
- 2017–2019 regular grant project of Czech Science Foundation No. 410/17-14167S Studentská generace roku 1989 v časosběrné perspektivě. Životopisná interview [The Student Generation of 1989 in Longitudinal Perspective: Biographical Interviews after Twenty Years] (principal investigator: Miroslav Vaněk), team member
- 2016–2018 institutional project (IP) Inovation of Interdisciplinary Contemporary History Studies – Czech and World History 1945–present (supported by Faculty of Humanities, Charles University); principal investigator
- 2015–2018 regular grant project of Czech Science Foundation No. 410/15-08130S „Malé“ a „velké“ dějiny českého/československého cestování a cestovního ruchu (1945–1989) [“Micro-histories“ and “Macro-history” of Czech/Czechoslovak Travelling and Tourism (1945–1989)], principal investigator
- 2011–2015 regular grant project of Czech Science Foundation No. 410/11/1352 Česká společnost v období tzv. normalizace a transformace: životopisná vyprávění [Czech Society in the „Normalisation“ and Transformation Era: Biographic Narrations] (principal investigator: Miroslav Vaněk), team member
Professional and Administrative Appointments (selected):
- 2021–present Scientific Board Member, DIALOG DWÓCH KULTUR / ДІАЛОГ ДВОХ КУЛЬТУР journal
- 2022–present Member, Czech Archival Society
- 2018–present Member of Scientific Evaluation Body, Council of Czech Government for Research, Development and Innovation
- 2012–present Scientific Board Member, Oral History Journal of South Africa
- 2011–present Scientific Board Member, Memo. Czech Journal for Oral History
- 2011–present Member, Oral History Association (OHA)
- 2007–2023 Member, Czech Oral History Association
- 2007–2012 Secretary General and Council Member, Czech Oral History Association
- 2012–2018 President of Czech Oral History Association
- 2008–2017 Council Member and Vice-Chairman, Czech National Committee of Oral History
- 2022–2023 Deputy of Academic Parliament, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2010–2017 Secretary General, Council of Institute for Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2012–2016 Council Member of International Oral History Association (IOHA), Regional Representative for Europe
- 2012–2016 present Scientific Board Member, Words and Silences journal
- 2012–2016 Scientific Board Member, IOHA Newsletter
Selected Bibliography:
- Naslouchat hlasům paměti: Teoretické a praktické aspekty orální historie [Listening to the Voices of Memory: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Oral History]. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií UK – ÚSD AV ČR v.v.i. 2007. 220 pages (co-author with Miroslav Vaněk and Hana Pelikánová, 30% contribution)
- Třetí strana trojúhelníku. Teorie a praxe orální historie [The Third Side of the Triangle. Theory and Praxis of Oral History]. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií UK – ÚSD AV ČR v.v.i. 2011, 296 pages (co-author with Miroslav Vaněk, 50% contribution); 2nd Edition. Praha, Karolinum 2015, 328 pages; 3rd Edition. Praha, Karolinum – Fakulta humanitních studií UK 2022, 342 pages)
- Rámce paměti druhé světové války v českých zemích. Vzpomínkové práce vojáků druhého čs. zahraničního odboje [Frames of WWII Memory in Czech Lands. Memories of Czechoslovak Abroad Soldiers]. Praha, ÚSD AV ČR 2013. 226 pages
- Místa paměti druhé světové války. Svět vojáků československého zahraničního odboje. [Realms of WWII Memory. World of Czechoslovak Soldiers in Abroad Resistance]Praha, Karolinum 2014. 282 pages
- Velvet Revolutions: An Oral History of Czech Society. New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 264 pages (co-author with Miroslav Vaněk, 50% contribution)
- Šťastnou cestu…?! Proměny politik cestování a cestovního ruchu v Československu za časů studené války (1945-1989). [Bon Voyage…?! Changes of Travelling and Tourism Politics in Czechoslovakia in the Cold War Era (1945-1989).] Pelhřimov, Nová tiskárna Pelhřimov 2017. 399 pages
Articles and chapters
- Победители или побежденные? Диссиденты и политичские элиты в Чехословакии до 1989 г. – биографические интервью. In: Р. М. АБДУЛЛАЕВ (ed.), Устная история в Узбекистане: Теория и практика. Сборник статей. I выпуск. Ташкент, DVV International 2011, pp. 288–303 (co-authored with Miroslav Vaněk)
- Cold War Heritage Transformed…?! Or The Image of West In Memory of Czech (Czechoslovak) Society from 1970s till late 1990s. In: Liliana BARELA et al.: 17ª Conferencia Internacional de Historia Oral. Los retos de la historia oral en el siglo XXI: diversidades, desigualdades y la construcción de identidades. Conference proceedings (CD ROM). Buenos Aires, Dirección General Patrimonio e Instituto Histórico 2012 (ISBN 978-987-1642-17-5)
- The Pleasures and Sorrows of Czech Oral History (1990-2012).Oral History Journal of South Africa,Vol 1, No. 1 (2013), pp. 111–130
- Dole i niedoleczeskiej oral history (1990-2012) .Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej (Wrocław Yearbook of Oral History), Number 3 (2013), pp. 131–160
- Hidden, yet visible workers of Czechoslovak international tourism. Macro and micro-historical views of ČEDOK’s branches abroad and tour guides during the period of late socialism (1968–1989). Journal of Tourism History, 13, 2021, No. 1, pp. 75–94, DOI: 10.1080/1755182X.2020.1854353
- Tony Goes Out into the World. The Official Travels Abroad of the President of Czechoslovakia, Antonín Novotný (1953–68). Journal of Transport History, 42, 2021, No. 3, pp. 360–380.
- Searching for Borders of Freedom: Foreign Trips of Czechoslovak Musicians and Athletes between 1948–1989. International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 9, 2021, No. 1–4, pp. 111–136 (co-authored with Lenka Krátká, 50% contribution)
- Deset let na cestě. Orální historie na Sovinci 2002–2011 [Ten Years On TheWay. Oral History on Sovinec Castle 2002-2011]. Praha, Fakulta humanitních studií UK 2011, 298 pages (co-editor with Miroslav Vaněk and Přemysl Houda)
- Na hranicích mezi minulostí a přítomností. Současné perspektivy orální historie. Praha – Ostrava: Česká asociace orální historie – Ostravská univerzita 2016, 292 s. (co-editor with Martin Brychta, 50% contribution)
- Turistická odysea. Krajinou soudobých dějin cestování a cestovního ruchu v Československu v letech 1945 až 1989. Praha: Karolinum 2018, 673 s. (co-editor with Lenka Krátká, 50% contribution)
- Za hranice služebně. Pracovní cesty z Československa do zahraničí v letech 1945 až 1989. Praha: Karolinum 2021. 576 s. (co-editor with Lenka Krátká, 50% contribution)
International Conferences (selected):
- 23nd International Congress of Historical Sciences (Poznan, Polsko, August 23, 2022), Specialized Theme Courage and Dictatorships: Cultures of Dissent, Cultures of Control in the 20th Century, paper Searching for Borders of Freedom: Official, Non-Conform and Alternative Trips from the Socialist Czechoslovakia Abroad. Travelling of Czechoslovak Artists and Academics before 1989 (with Lenka Krátká)
- International workshop Crossing the Political Divide: Transborder Workers during the Cold War between Eastern, Western and Southern Europe organised by Department of History and Geography, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, (Madrid, Spain, March 23.– 24., 2022), paper Czechoslovak Introducers to the Cold War International Reality/ies: A short look at ČEDOK’s tourism branches abroad and their staff (1948–1989)
- International workshop The Other Europe II organised by Institute of National Memory, Václav Havel Libary and City of Bratislava, (Bratislava, January 27, 2022), paper Bádanie a prínos Oral History v Ústave pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR
- International coloquium Revisiting the 1989 Event in Central Europe. Social margins, Writing Practises, New Archives organised by Polish Scientific Center Paris PAN, CeFReS, Center of Polish Civilisation on Sorbonne-Université and Center of French Civilisation and Francophone Studies on University of Warshaw, June 7. – 8, 2019); paper Thirty Years on Development of Oral History in the Context of Contemporary History Research and Archiving in Czech Republic
- 50th Annual Convention Association for the Slavic, East European and Euroasian Studies (ASEEES), (Boston, MA, USA, December 6 – 10, 2018); paper Tour Guiding in Socialist Czechoslovakia: Oral History Perspectives
- 52nd Annual Oral History Association Meeting (Montreal, Canada, October 9 –15, 2018) Oral History in Our Challenging Times; poster Through Students Velvet Revolutions and Beyond: A Case Study from Using the Longitudinal Perspectives in Oral History Projects (co-presented with Miroslav Vaněk and Lenka Krátká)
- XX. International Oral History Conference Memory and Narration, organised by University of Jyväskylä and International Oral History Association (Jyväskylä, Finnland, June 18–22, 2018); paper From Memory Towards History or How Can Oral History to Contribute to Contemporary History of Travelling and Tourism? A Czech Research Perspective
- International workshop Crossing the Iron Curtain: Tourism and Travelling in the Cold War organised by School of Historical Studies, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, April 7 – 8, 2017); paper Short Insight to Czechoslovak Politics Towards Western Incoming Tourism to Czechoslovakia Between 1945 and 1989: Remarks about Actors, Trends and Historical Periodization.
- International workshop The Faces and Transformations of Travelling and Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe in the Cold War era (1945–1989) organised by ÚSD AV ČR v.v.i. (Praha, March 16 – 17, 2017); paper Changes and Trends in Czechoslovak Politics of Travelling/Tourism
- 11th European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) organised by International Institute of Social History (IISH), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Science – Amsterdam, Netherlands and University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain, March 30.– April 2, 2016), paper Passing through the Iron Curtain and Beyond… Metamorphosis of Czech Abroad Travelling and Tourism Experience Before and After 1989 in Oral History Perspective
- 19th International Oral History Conference Speaking, Listening, Interpreting: the critical engagements of Oral History (Bangalore, India, June 27 – July 1, 2016) organised by International Oral History Association, Oral History Association of India and Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, paper Welcome to the Heart of Europe? History and Memory of Incoming Travels and Tourism to Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic Before and After 1989
- 50th Annual Meeting OHA@50: Traditions, Transitions And Technologies From the Field organised by Oral History Association (Long Beach, California, USA, October 12.–16, 2016), paper Once Upon Time on the West… Czech Abroad Travelling through Iron Curtain Before Velvet Revolution (and After) in Oral History Perspective
- 49th Annual Meeting Stories of Social Change and Social Justice organised by Oral History Association (Tampa, FL, USA, October 14–18, 2015), paper Time for Holidays and Vacation. The Value of Tourism in Czech Society after 1968
- International conference Oral History in Central-Eastern Europe: Current Research Areas, Challenges and Specificity organised by University of Lodz, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, European Network Remembrance and Solidarity and Polish Oral History Association (Lodz, Poland, Semptember 17–18, 2015), paper Czech Dream or Towards See, Tourism and Shopping. History of Abroad Traveling after 1989 via Perspective of Oral History
- 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences organised by Association of Chinese Historians, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences a Shandong University (Jinan, China, August 23–29, 2015); Evening Session Change of Value – Value of Change: Transforming Societies in Global Perspective via Oral History, paper Changing of Memory During and After Political Changes in Czechoslovakia
- 2021 – public exhibition „Behind the Vltava River, between the Black and White Rock… From the local modern and contemporary history of Holešovice, Libeň and Troja boundaries“ (Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague), main curator (90% participation)
- 2019 – public exhibition „Havel to the Castle. A Story of the year 1989“ (National Archives, Prague), member of curator team (10% participation)
- 2019 – public exhibition „November 1989 – a way towards democracy“ (Galery of Sciences and Arts, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), member of curator team (30% participation)
- 2019 – public videomapping „November 1989 – a way towards democracy“ (November 16, 2019, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), member of curator team (30% participation)