CfP: Oral History in 21st Century: Interview and its Future
The Czech Oral History Association in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of the University of Hradec Králové, the Faculty of Humanities of the Charles University and the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences are organizing the 9th International
Conference COHA entitled „Oral History in the 21st Century: Interview and its Future“. The conference will take place at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Hradec Králové.
- artificial intelligence and oral-historical research
- modern technologies and their impact on the theory, methodology and ethics of oral history (remote online interviews, virtual reality, etc.)
- automated tools and the possibilities of their use in the processing, analysis and interpretation of oral-historical sources (automatic annotations and transcriptions, big data, etc.)
- archiving of oral-historical data in the digital world (data management plans, oralhistorical metadata, risks of processing personal data in digital form)
- the importance of oral history in a post-pandemic world
- crisis oral history for the 21st century (research ethics)
- new ways of presenting oral-historical research using modern technologies
- interview method and its field specifics (anthropology, ethnology, sociology, psychology, etc.)
We primarily (but not exclusively) welcome interdisciplinary contributions with theoretical, methodological, ethical or practical reflection of qualitative research combining the interview method with modern technologies, similarly to outputs from ongoing or already completed
student research and projects using the oral history method.
Information for Participants:
We accept papers of 15-20 minutes in length in Czech/Slovak or English; conference fee 600 CZK (400 CZK for COHA members); paper abstracts of 180-200 words, please submit by 16 June 2024 via the online form ( Final notification of abstract
acceptance: June 2024. Selected contributions will be published in peer-reviewed journals.