Currently on maternity leave
Fields of research:
- History of political thought
- Political thought on women’s rights and feminism
- Postwar intellectual history
- History of Czechoslovak exile and dissent
- 2013-2021: Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
- 2013-2014: Master’s degree in history (focus on Central European comparative history) at the Central European University in Budapest
- 2011-2013: Master’s degree in history (Czech modern history) at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
- 2007-2011: Bachelor’s degree in history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Current position:
- 2020 – until now, Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the CAS
Previous positions:
- 2022 -2023, Postdoctoral position in the ERC research project The History of Feminist Political Thought and Women’s Rights Discourses in East Central Europe 1929-2001 (HERESSEE), RECET, University of Vienna
Fellowships and research stays:
- Research Fellowship, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany (08/2018-10/2018)
- Jan Patočka Fellowship, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna (09/2015-02/2016)
- Short study trips: Berlin, Vienna and Bratislava (2013-2022)
- Participation in summer schools (Imre Kertész Kolleg, Moldava 2017; IHECE, Ljubljana 2021, Jena 2022)
Participation in research projects:
- Member of the research team of the project “History of Charter 77 in Domestic and Transnational Perspective”, GA ČR (2021-2024)
- Member of the research team of the project “Czech Left Exile 1968-1989”, GAČR (2020-2022)
- Member of the research team of the project “Czechoslovak Dissent as a Spiritual, Cultural and Political Phenomenon in the Time of Normalization, Revolution and Transformation 1969-2000”, GAČR (2015-2017)
- Assistant in the research project “Expert roots of postsocialism: the Czech case, 1980-2000”, GAČR (2015-2017)
- Assistant in the research project “Czechoslovak Federal Assembly 1989-1992”, GAČR (2011-2014)
- Research grant of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University “Karel Kosík and his concept of radical democracy and Czech historiography of the 20th century” (2013-2014)
- Servants of Science: interviews with former FFUK employees, project of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (2013)
Teaching activity:
- Faculty of Arts, Charles University (teaching courses Czech Political Thought, Thinking Post-Communism, Politics of Memory), 2015 – present
- USAC, teaching American students (course Post-Communism and Democratic Transformation), 2017-2019
Membership of international groups:
- Co-founder and member of the research platform on Intellectual History in East Central Europe
Membership in editorial boards:
- Member of the Editorial Board of Kontradikce/ Contradictions
- Andělová, Kristina – Suk, Jiří – Zahradníček, Tomáš: Pro nás dějiny nekončí. Politická práce a myšlení českého levicového exilu (1968 – 1989), Praha: Argo, 2023.
Edited volumes
- Průzkum života politickým bojem. Jaroslav Šabata (1927–2012) a Charta 77 (45 let), Praha – Brno, 2022 (with Patrik Eichler)
- Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought, vol. 5 (2021) on Thinking Left Dissent (with Petr Kužel and Jan Mervart)
- Jednoho dne se v našem zelináři cosi vzbouří. Eseje o Moci bezmocných. Praha, 2016 (with Jiří Suk)
- Antologie textů z disentu a exilu (1969–1989). Praha, 2017. Online: (with Jiří Suk)
Journal articles and book chapters
- Existoval chartistický environmentalismus? Charta 77 a reflexe životního prostředí. Soudobé dějiny, 30 (2), 2023, s. 351-384.
- Česká sovětologie? Socialisté v opozici a kritika systémů sovětského typu. Kontradikce, Roč. 5, č. 1–2 (2021), s. 15–43.
- Thinking Left Dissent, Kontradikce, Roč. 5, č. 1–2 (2021).
- Re-enchanting Modernity in the East and West: Comparative Perspectives on the Legacy of 1968. An Author Meets Her Reviewers: A Symposium. East European Politics and Societies, 35(3), 525–567. (symposium, with Bracewell, W., Gross, I. G., Jasiewicz, K., Ost, D., & Witoszek, N.)
- The Genesis of Political Distrust towards the so-called “Sixty-eighters” – Former Reform Communists in the Czech Political Environment in the Course of 1989. Forum Historiae, č. 2 (2021).
- Reinhart Koselleck a metoda Begriffsgeschichte jako nástroj k interpretaci textů politického myšlení. In: HALAMKA, Tomáš – VIRDZEK, Andrej (eds.): Jak číst politické myslitele? Praha: Karolinum, 2020, s. 91–108.
- Czechoslovak Generational Experience of 1968: The Intellectual History Perspective. East European Politics and Societies, Roč. 33, č. 4 (2019), s. 881–98.
- The Power of the Powerless and Further Havelian Paradoxes in the Stream of Time. East European Politics and Societies, Roč. 32, č. 2 (2018), s. 214–231. (s Jiřím Sukem)
- Labutí píseň pražského jara. Politické perspektivy opoziční skupiny kolem časopisu Listy po roce 1971. In: SUK, Jiří a kol.: Šest kapitol o disentu. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AVČR, 2017, s. 49–78.
- Reinventing Central Europe and the Decline of Marxism: Czech “Orientalism” through the lens of Intellectual History. In: BETTI, Eloisa – Miller, Katherine: The Power of the Norm: Fragile Rules and Significant Exceptions (Vienna: IWM Junior Visiting Fellows’ Conferences). Roč. 35, č. 1 (2016).
- Moc bezmocných a další havlovské paradoxy v proudu času. In: ANDĚLOVÁ, Kristina – SUK (eds.): Jednoho dne se v našem zelináři cosi vzbouří. Eseje o Moci bezmocných. Praha, 2016, s. 267–284. (s Jiřím Sukem)
- Hledání radikální demokracie. Karel Kosík a filozofie (českých) dějin. Dějiny – teorie – kritika, Roč. 9, č. 1 (2014), s. 183-211. (s Janem Marešem)
- Tschechiens „neue Linke“: Strömungen, Menschen, Ideen. Osteuropa, č. 5-6 (2013), s. 341-353. (s Ondřejem Slačálkem)