III. Knowledge, culture, expertise
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., Vlašská 355/9, 118 00 Praha 1
Research Interests:
- Cold War in The Third World (Africa)
- History of Infrastructure
- Enviromental and Global History, Water History
- 2019–2024: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Postgraduate Programme in General History
- 2016–2019: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Programme in General History and History and Culture of Islamic Countries, (attained degree: Master – Mgr.)
- 2015–2016: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Programme in Arabic and History and Culture of Islamic Countries, (unfinished)
- 2013–2016: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Programme in History ‒ European studies, (attained degree: Bachelor – Bc.)
- 2009–2013: Gymnázium Vítězslava Nováka Jindřichův Hradec
Study Stays, Workshops and Fellowships:
- 2022: Public Records and Archives Administration Department, Volta River Authority Library Accra (Ghana)
- 2022: Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
- 2021: The National Archives London-Kew (UK)
- 2021: European Summer School on the (Global) Cold War, Utrecht University (online), 1.-3.9. 2021.
- 2019: Winter School: Environmental and Climate History: The Role of History in Society, Norwegian Graduate School in History, Oslo, 16,-18.12.2019.
- 2018: The National Archives London-Kew, The British Library (UK)
- 2018: Dar al-Kotob Cairo, Alexandria Library (Egypt)
- 2017: Centre des Archives Diplomatique de Nantes (FR)
- 2017: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala Universitet (SWE)
Main Publications:
- JANÁČ, Jiří, MAZANEC, Jakub, Hydro Money Machine: The Global History of Czechoslovak DamBuilding Expertise during the Cold War (1930s-1990s), in: LAGENDIJK, Vincent, SCHULZE, Frederik: Dam Internationalism: Rethinking Power, Expertise and Technology in the Twentieth Century, Bloomsbury 2024 (in print).
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Margins of Everyday Life of Czechoslovak Experts in Africa. Motivation – Nomination – Preparation – Emigration?, in: Prague Papers on the History of International Relations, Prague: Institute of World History, no. 1-2, 2021, p. 66-79.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Československý Hydroprojekt v Africe, in: Paměť a dějiny, no. 3, 2020, pp. 33‒41.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, The Aspect of Supplies of Water in the British Policy towards Egypt and Sudan, The Role of The Nile in Relations between Great Britain and France at The End of the 19th Century, in: West Bohemian Historical Review, vol. IX, no. 1, 2019, pp. 41–58.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, The Delta Barrage — the Most Expensive Bridge of Its Time? The First Attempts at Taming the Nile, in: Prague Papers on the History of International Relations, Prague: Institute of World History, no. 2, 2017, pp. 21–31.
Conferences and Lectures:
- MAZANEC, Jakub, The Cold War Export of Czechoslovak Hydroexpertise and Technology, in: Commodities, Trade and Materiality in the Global Cold War, University of Vienna, 19.-20.4.2023.
- JANÁČ, Jiří – MAZANEC, Jakub: The Global History of Czechoslovak Dam-Building Expertise (1930s-1990s), in: “The Globalization of Dam Building”, Bielefeld University, 28.-29.11.2022.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Ghana: A Case Study of The Export of Czechoslovak Hydroexpertise towards Global South and Cold War Technopolicy of a Small Socialist State, in: Between Trade and Aid: Theories, Practices, and Results of Attempts of Exporting State-Socialist Development Models for the Third World, Leipzig University, 29.6.-1.7.2022.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Czechoslovak Cold War Technopolitics in Africa, in: Socialist (Dis)Connections Workshop, RECET, University of Vienna, 27.-28.6.2022.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Czechoslovak-Ghanaian Cooperation in Water Resources Development: Cold War Technopolicy of a Small Socialist State, in: Cold War (A)Symmetries: Conflict, Cooperation and Trade, International Online Conference, University Valahia of Târgoviște, 28.-29.10.2021.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Taming Nkrumah’s Rivers – Activity of the Czechoslovak Hydroprojekt in Ghana, in: Viva Africa 2021: Africa and (the Other) Europe: Imageries – Discourses – Exchanges, International Conference on African Studies, Prague, 15.-17.9.2021.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Damming the Cold War – Czechoslovak Technopolicy in Ghana, in: 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Prague, 25.-31.7.2021.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Voda jako důvod konfliktu i spolupráce, Arabfest Olomouc, 8.4.2019.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Shared Water Resources in MENA Region, in: International Conference: Food Isn ́t Only on The Plate, Arabfest Plzeň, 5.4.2019.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Francouzsko-britské angažmá v budování vodních projektů na Nilu v 19. století, in: Studentská konference, Katedra historie, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 15.5.2018.
- MAZANEC, Jakub, Výstavba Great Ethiopian Reneissance Dam (GERD) coby katalyzátor krize egyptské politiky v povodí Nilu, in: Krize současné politiky, Studentská sekce Institutu politologických studií, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 15.3.2018.
Research Grants:
- 2021–present: Grant PRIMUS – African and Middle Eastern Elites Educated in former Socialist Countries: Studies, Trajectories, and Mindsets; member of the research team.
- 2020‒present: Grant GA UK No. 106120 – Cold War Technopolitics in the Third World – A Case Study of Water Management in Ghana; principal investigator.
- 2017‒2018: Grant GA UK No. 292217 – Water Projects on the Nile in the 19th century and their Role in the Relations between France and Britain; principal investigator.