III. Knowledge, culture, expertise
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v. v. i., detašované pracoviště Puškinovo nám. 9, 160 00 Praha 6
Research interests:
- Political and intellectual history of the Czechoslovakia and Poland, especially history of dissent
- 2020–present: PhD program Czech History, Institute of Czech History, Faculty of Arts Charles University in Prague
- 2016–2020: Master´s degree in The General and Comparative History, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts Charles University in Prague
- 2013–2016: Bachelor´s degree in History – European Studies, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts Charles University in Prague
Working Experience:
- 2023–2024: Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, member of the research team
Study and Research Stays Abroad:
- 08-09/2023: scholarship residence, German Historical Institute Warsaw, Poland
- 05–06 a 08–09/2022: research residence, Warsaw – Gdansk, Poland
- 09/2017–02/2018: Erasmus+, University of Warsaw, Poland
Research Projects:
- 2023–2024: Dějiny Charty 77 v domácí a transnacionální perspektivě (The History of Charter 77 in the Czech and Transnational Perspective), Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, grant GA ČR, member of the research team
- 2021–2022: exhibition Průzkum života politickým bojem: Jaroslav Šabata (1927–2012) a Charta 77 (45 let) (The Exploration of Life by Political Fight: Jaroslav Sabata and the Charter 77), Masaryk Democratic Academy – Moravian Museum, preparation of exhibition board and text in catalogue
- 2020–2022: Český levicový exil 1968–1989 (The Czech Leftist Exile of 1968 to 1989), Institute of Contemporary History of The Czech Academy of Science, grant GA ČR, research assistance
- 2017–2018: How Women´s Rights Became Human Rights: Gender, Socialism and Postsocialism in Global History, University of Liverpool, research assistance
Educational Experience:
- 2022/2023: lectures of Essay in Central Europe: Thoughts on Space, Culture and Identity, Department of Central European Studies, Faculty of Arts Charles University in Prague
- 2020–2022: preparing course for new students of history (modern history, 1918 to 1945), Students of History Association, Faculty of Arts Charles University in Prague
- SKOŘEPA, Václav, Pojem společenství v politickém myšlení Václava Havla, in: SAICOVÁ ŘÍMALOVÁ, Lucie (ed.), Já – ty, my – oni: člověk jako bytost společenská/Ja – ty, my – oni: człowiek jako istota społeczna, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2022, pp. 91–102.
- JELÍNEK, Lukáš, SKOŘEPA, Václav, Levicový disident, in: EICHLER, Patrik, ANDĚLOVÁ, Kristina (eds.), Průzkum života politickým bojem: Jaroslav Šabata (1927–2012) a Charta 77 (45 let), Brno: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2022, s. 41–46.
- SKOŘEPA, Václav, Kritickým hlasem proti konformitě: disidentské dědictví Jana Tesaře, in: Kontradikce, roč. 5, 2021, č. 1–2, s. 159–164. (Review of: TESAŘ, Jan, Co počít ve vlkově břiše. Práce o vytváření struktur občanské společnosti z let 1968–1980, Praha: Triáda, 2018.)
- Pojem společenství v politickém myšlení Václava Havla, Czech-Polish conference Já – ty, my – oni. Člověk jako bytost společenská/Ja – ty, my – oni. Człowiek jako istota społeczna, October 2022, Prague, the Czech Republic