III. Knowledge, culture, expertise
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., detašované pracoviště Puškinovo nám. 9, 160 00 Praha 6
221 990 632
Research focus
- 20th century Czech and Czechoslovak history
- History of state socialism
- History of social sciences and expertise after 1945
- History of capitalism and neoliberalism
- Theory and methodology of historiography; history of historiography
- 2005–2011 | Charles University Faculty of Arts in Prague – doctorate studies, Ph.D. (Institute of Czech History) Dissertation: The Making of “Democratic Socialism”. Party Historiography in the 1950s and 1960s between Stalinism and Reform Communism
- 1999–2005 | Charles University Faculty of Arts in Prague – history, Mgr. Thesis: For Socialist Unity… Communists, the United Front and the Attitudes of their Partners in Czechoslovakia 1934–1936
- 1995–1999 | Otrokovice Grammar School 1987 – 1995 | Zlín Primary School
Professional positions
- Since 11/2023 | Deputy Director, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences
- 2018–2022 | Charles University Faculty of Arts, Institute of Economic and Social History, Prague Research Fellow and Lecturer
- Since 2015 | Institute of Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague Research Fellow – head of the research project The Road to Technocratic Socialism: Concepts of Governance in Czechoslovakia (1953–1975)
- 2013 – 2014 | Sciences Po, Centre d´études européennes, Paris Junior Researcher (Postdoctoral position)
- 2010 – 2012 | Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Academy of Sciences ASCR public research institute, Prague Research Fellow
- 2008 – 2012 | Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague Researcher
- 2007 – 2008 | Czech Interior Ministry Department Security Units Archive, Prague Researcher
- 2006 – 2007 | Office for the Documentation and Investigation of the Crimes of Communism, Prague Researcher
- 2000 – 2003 | Charles University Faculty of Arts Institute of Czech Studies Student research assistant
Teaching activities
- 2015–2022 | Lecturing activity at Charles University Faculty of Arts, Prague Social and Economic History after 1945 Planning, Forecasting and Governance: Expert Knowledge and Politics of Future in Post-War Capitalism and State Socialism
- 2014 | Sciences Po – The Europe-Asia Campus Le Havre A Political History of European Future (with Jenny Andersson and Egle Rindzeviciute)
- 2006 – 2011 | Lecturing activity at Charles University Faculty of Arts, Prague Between Stalinism and Reform Communism: Historical Thinking of the Czechoslovak Communism in the 1950s and 1960s (2011) Contemporary History – Research Topics and Methodology (2010) Historiography as a Critical Project (2009) Communist Party Historiography: Institute for the History of CPC and the Reform Communist Historiography of the 1960s (2008) Communist Movement in the Comparative Perspective (2006, 2007) 2003 – 2005 | Grammar School, Přípotoční, Prague 10
Editorial Boards:
- Since 2020| Editorial Board, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
- Since 2010 | Member of the Dějiny – teorie – kritika journal (History – Theory – Criticism)
- Since 2009 | member of Soudobé dějiny / Czech Journal for Contemporary History Editorial Board (since 2020 Chief of the Editorial Board)
Professional honors, awards and fellowships
- 2022| Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, Department of History, April-June 2022
- 2018 | Zentrum für Zeithistorischeforschung Potsdam, Visiting Fellow, June-July 2018
- 2016 | The Otto Wichterle Award to promising young scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- 2015 | National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic, Visiting Fellow, Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, September-October 2015
- 2012 | Anna and Jaroslav Krejci Research Endowment Fund Prize for the Best Scientific Work in the Area of Integrated Social Science
- 2011 | Month-long research fellowship in Berlin (Czech-German Commission of Historians Fellowship)
- 2006 | Month-long research fellowship in Berlin (E. M. Remarque Prize)
- 2004 | Semester-long research fellowship at Leipzig University, Germany
a) Monographs
- VALŮŠEK, David – ŠEVEČEK, Ondřej – SOMMER, Vítězslav (eds.), Dějiny města Zlína 2. Moderní město, Statutární město Zlín, Zlín 2023. (člen redakce a autor kapitol: V obnovené pořádku, s. 276–293 a Zlín postsocialistický, s. 316–326)
- Řídit socialismus jako firmu: Proměny technokratického vládnutí v Československu, 1956–1989. Nakladatelství Lidové noviny – ÚSD AV ČR, Prague 2019. (main author, co-authored with Matěj Spurný and Jaromír Mrňka)
- Angažované dějepisectví: Stranická historiografie mezi stalinismem a reformním komunismem, 1950–1970. [Engaged Historiography: Party Historiography between Stalinism and Reform Communism, 1950–1970] Nakladatelství Lidové noviny – FF UK, Prague 2011.
- DEVÁTÁ, Markéta – OLŠÁKOVÁ, Doubravka – DINUŠ, Peter – SOMMER, Vítězslav: Vědní koncepce KSČ a její institucionalizace po roce 1948. [Science Policy of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and its Institutionalization after 1948] ÚSD AV ČR, Prague 2010 (chapter: Historiografie jako součást politiky: Zakladatelské období stranického dějepisectví v Československu, 1950-1955 [Historiography as a Part of Politics: The Beginning of Party Historiography in Czechoslovakia, 1950–55], pp. 97-157.
- BÁRTA, Milan – CVRČEK, Lukáš – KOŠICKÝ, Patrik – SOMMER, Vítězslav: Victims of the Occupation: The Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia: 21 August – 31 December 1968. Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2009.
- BÁRTA, Milan – CVRČEK, Lukáš – KOŠICKÝ, Patrik – SOMMER, Vítězslav: Oběti okupace, Československo 21. 8. – 31. 12. 1968 [Victims of the Occupation: The Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia: 21 August – 31 December 1968]. Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2008.
b) Articles and book chapters
- The Complicated Co-existence of Activism and Analysis / Study of Post-socialism and the New Left in Central and Eastern Europe, Soudobé dějiny 30 (3/2023), pp. 881–885. Review: GAGYI, Agnes SLAČÁLEK, Ondřej (eds.): The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‚Transition‘: New Left Perspectives from the Region. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
- Festival na rozcestí. Politika MFF Karlovy Vary mezi přestavbou a postsocialistickou transformací, in: Jindřiška Bláhová (ed.), Proplétání světů: Mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary v období studené války. Národní filmový archiv, Praha 2023, pp. 364–385.
- Po válce a v padesátých letech, in: EICHLER, Patrik – ANDĚLOVÁ, Kristina (eds.), Průzkum života politickým bojem. Jaroslav Šabata (1927–2012) a Charta 77 (45 let). Katalog k výstavě Oddělení dějin kultury antitotalitního zaměření Moravského zemského muzea a Masarykovy demokratické akademie, Masarykova demokratická akademie – Moravské zemské muzeum, Brno 2022, s. 25–32. (spoluautor Václav Kaška)
- The ‘City of Shoes’ Under Normalisation: Local Politics and Socio-Economic Trends in Gottwaldov after 1968, in: McDERMOTT, Kevin – STIBBE, Matthew (eds.), Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe in the Era of Normalisation, 1969–1989, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2022, s. 215–237.
- Historicizing Postsocialist Privatization at the Juncture of the Cultural and the Economic, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 30 (1/2022), s. 1–9. (spoluautorka Veronika Pehe)
- Decommunization as a Digital Utopia: Digitization of the Communist State Security Archives in the Czech Republic, Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia střední Evropy 19. a 20. století 12 (1/2021), s. 82–109.
- An Unequal Alliance: Social Scientists as Experts in Socialist Czechoslovakia, Forum Historiae 15 (2/2021), s. 51–68, online
- The Last Battlefield of the Cold War: From Reform-Oriented Leisure Studies to Sociological Research on the “Socialist Lifestyle” in Czechoslovakia, 1950s–1989, in: SOLOVEY, Mark – DAYÉ, Christian (eds,) Cold War Social Science: Transnational Entanglements, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham 2021, s. 225–254.
- State and Society in Communist Czechoslovakia: Transforming Everyday Life from World War II to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 28 (1/2021), s. 107–109. (recenze knihy: Roman Krakovský, State and Society in Communist Czechoslovakia: Transforming Everyday Life from World War II to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, London and New York 2018)
- Průvodce světem socialistické technokracie. Prozaická tvorba Stanislava Váchy jako historický pramen, Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia střední Evropy 19. a 20. století 12 (2/2020), s. 98–123.
- Výzkum sexuality jako přivlastněný hlas, Biograf 71/72 (2020), s. 113–127. (recenze knihy Kateřina Lišková, Sexual Liberation, Socialist Style. Communist Czechoslovakia and the Science of Desire, 1945–1989, Cambridge 2018)
- How the “Richta Team” Was Born: The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Political Decision-making in Czechoslovak Reform Communism, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa Forschung / Journal of East Central European Studies 69 (4/2020), pp. 495–518. (spoluautor Jiří Hoppe)
- Husák, Jirous a síla historických mýtů, Soudobé dějiny 27 (2/2020), pp. 337–348. (recenzní esej o knihách Marek Švehla, Magor a jeho doba: Život Ivana M. Jirouse, Praha 2017 a Michal Macháček, Gustáv Husák, Praha 2017)
- The Economics of Everyday Life in “New” Socialism: Czechoslovak Public Economics and Economic Reform in the Prague Spring Era, Economic Knowledge in Socialism, 1945-89, edited by Till Düppe and Ivan Boldyrev. History of Political Economy 51 (2019 supplement), pp. 52–72.
- Socialism at the Crossroads: Czechoslovak Reform Communism and the Contradictions of Socialist Governance, in: SCHULZE WESSEL, Martin (ed.), The Prague Spring as a Laboratory, Vandenhoeck Ruprecht, Göttingen 2019, pp. 35–51.
- Managing Socialist Industrialism: Czechoslovak Management Studies in the 1960s and 1970s.In: CHRISTIAN Michel – KOTT, Sandrine – MATĚJKA Ondřej (eds.), in Cold War Europe: Competition, Cooperation, Circulations (1950s-1970s), De Gruyter 2018, Berlin – Boston, pp. 237–260.
- From Nationalization to Privatization. Understanding the Concept of Ownership in Czechoslovakia (1948–1990), in: KOVÁCS, János Mátyás (ed.), Populating No Man’s Land: Economic Concepts of Ownership under Communism, Lexington Books, Lanham 2018, pp. 87–11.
- The ‚Anti-Prague Spring‘. Neo-Stalinist and Ultra-Leftist Extremism in Czechoslovakia, 1968-1970. In: McDERMOTT, Kevin – STIBBE, Matthew (eds.), Eastern Europe in 1968. Responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2018, pp. 45–69.
- Manažerská odysea. Teorie řízení v Československu v padesátých až osmdesátých letech 20. století, Soudobé dějiny. Roč. 24, č. 3 (2017), pp. 285–310.
- Vom Sozialistischen Postindustrialismus zur Marktgesellschaft: Zukunftsforschung in der Tschechoslowakei (1960er – 1980er Jahre), Bohemia 57 (1/2017), pp. 55–81.
- Technokratischer Sozialismus in der Tschechoslowakei, Bohemia 57 (1/2017), pp. 12–24. (with Matěj Spurný, Doubravka Olšáková and Jiřím Janáč)
- “Are we still behaving as revolutionaries?”: Radovan Richta, theory of revolution and dilemmas of reform communism in Czechoslovakia, Studies in East European Thought 69 (1/2017), pp. 93–110.
- Towards the Expert Governance: Social Scientific Expertise and the Socialist State in Czechoslovakia 1950s–1980s, Serendipities: Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences 1 (2/2016), pp. 138–157.
- Experti, právo a socialistický stát: Právní věda v ČSAV a její činnost v letech 1952–1960 [Experts, Law and Socialist State: Jurisprudence Scholarship in the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences between 1952 and 1960], Soudobé dějiny 23 (1-2/2016), pp. 118–136.
- Scientists of the World, Unite!: Radovan Richta’s Theory of Scientific and Technological Revolution”. In: ARONOVA, Elena – TURCHETTI, Simone (eds.), Science Studies during the Cold War and Beyond: Paradigms Defected. Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2016, pp. 177–204.
- Forecasting the Post-Socialist Future: Prognostika in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia, 1970– 1989. In: ANDERSSON, Jenny – RINDZEVICIUTE, Egle (eds.), The Struggle for the Long- Term in Transnational Science and Politics: Forging the Future, Routledge, London and New York 2015, pp. 144–168.
- Chronicler of Communist Czechoslovakia: Karel Kaplan and the Study of Contemporary History, Czech Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. II (2014), pp. 137–152.
- The ‘Club of Politically Engaged Conformists’?: The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Popular Opinion, and the Crisis of Communism, 1956, Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 66, March 2013 (with Kevin McDermott).
- Edvard Beneš in Czech Party Historiographical Writing in the 1950s and 1960s. In: KONRÁD, Ota – KÜPPER, René (eds.): Edvard Beneš: Vorbild und Feindbild. Politische, historiographische und mediale Deutungen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, München 2013, pp. 221– 233.
- Komunismus, budoucnost a historiografie soudobých dějin [Communism, Future and the Historiography of Contemporary History], Forum Historiae, 1/2013, e-journal publication (
- Zklamání a hněv starého komunisty: Karel Kreibich jako kritik stalinismu [Anger and disappointment of an „old Communist“. Karel Kreibich as a critic of Stalinism], Historie- otázky-problémy 2/2012, pp. 9–22.
- Cesta ze slepé uličky “třetího odboje”: Koncepty rezistence a studium socialistické diktatury v Československu [A Way Out of the “Third Resistance” Cul de Sac: Concepts of Resistance and the Study of Socialist Dictatorship in Czechoslovakia], Soudobé dějiny 1/2012, pp. 9–36.
- Doslov: KSČ a Kominterna: Náčrt vývoje nerovného partnerství. [Afterword: CPC and Comintern: Outline of Unequal Partnership] In: McDERMOTT, Kevin – AGNEW, Jeremy: Kominterna. Dějiny mezinárodního komunismu za Leninovy a Stalinovy éry. [The Comintern: A History of International Communism from Lenin to Stalin] Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Prague 2011, pp. 225–243.
- Odboj a revoluce nebo zápas o charakter národní existence?: Dvě historiografické koncepce dějin protektorátu a odboje v kontextu československé reformy šedesátých let. [Resistance and Revolution or Struggle for the Character of National Existence?: Two Historiographical Concepts of Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia and Resistance Movement in the Context of Czechoslovak Reform Movement of the 1960s] In: PEJČOCH, Ivo – PLACHÝ, Jiří (eds.): Okupace, kolaborace, retribuce. [Occupation, Collaboration, Retribution] VHÚ, Prague 2010, pp. 153–165.
- Revoluce nebo spolupráce?: KSČ a otázka sjednocení levice před VII. kongresem Kominterny 1934–1935. [Revolution or Collaboration?: CPC and the Socialist Alliance Question before the 7th Congress of the Comintern] In: KÁRNÍK, Zdeněk – KOCIAN, Jiří – PAŽOUT, Jaroslav – RÁKOSNÍK, Jakub (eds.): Bolševismus, komunismus a radikální socialismus v Československu VI. [Bolshevism, Communism and Radical Socialism in the Czechoslovakia V.] ÚSD – Dokořán, Prague 2009, pp. 15–45.
- Válka, odboj a hledání historické identity československého komunismu. [War, Resistance and the Searching for the Historical Identity of the Czechoslovak Communism] In: HAZDRA, Zdeněk (ed.): Válečný prožitek české společnosti v konfrontaci s nacistickou okupací (1939– 1945). [War Experience of the Czech Society in the Confrontation with the Nazi Occupation (1939–1945)] Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2009, pp. 111–124.
- Postkoloniální kritika a Subaltern Studies. [Postcolonial Critique and the Subaltern Studies] In: MERVART Jan – ŠTĚPÁN, Jiří a kol.: České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století IV. [Czech, Slovak and Czechoslovak History in the 20th Century IV.] Oftis, Ústí nad Orlicí 2009, pp. 277–284.
- Druhý život Felixe Dzeržinského. [Second Life of Felix Dzerzhinsky] In: Aktivity NKVD/KGB a její spolupráce s tajnými službami střední a východní Evropy 1945–1989, II. [Activities of NKVD/KGB and its Collaboration with Secret Services in the East-Central Europe, II.] Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague 2009, pp. 93–104.
- Stranické dějepisectví a československá reforma. [Party Historiography and the Czechoslovak Reform] In: MERVART Jan – ŠTĚPÁN, Jiří (eds.): České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století III. Osudové osmičky v našich dějinách. [Czech, Slovak and Czechoslovak History in the 20th Century III.] Oftis, Ústí nad Orlicí 2008, pp. 355–361.
- Kronikář komunistického Československa: Karel Kaplan a studium soudobých dějin [Chronicler of Communist Czechoslovakia: Karel Kaplan and Contemporary History Studies], Soudobé dějiny 2/2008, pp. 341–356.
- Tři fáze stranického dějepisectví padesátých a šedesátých let. [Three Phases of Party Historiography in the 1950s and 1960s] In: JIROUŠEK, Bohumil (ed.): Proměny diskursu české marxistické historiografie. [Transformations of Czech Marxist and Marxist-Leninist Historiography Discourse] University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, České Budějovice 2008, pp. 271–286.
- Mezi doktrínou a realitou. [Between Doctrine and Reality] In: KOURA, Petr – RANDÁK, Jan (eds.): Hrdinství a zbabělost v české politické kultuře 19. a 20. století. [Heroism and Cowardice in Czech Political Culture in 19th and 20th Century] Dokořán, Prague 2008, pp. 201–216.
- Česká historiografie a (meziválečný) komunismus. [Czech Historiography and (Interwar) Communism] In: SKLENÁŘOVÁ, Sylva (ed.): České, slovenské a československé dějiny 20. století II. [Czech, Slovak and Czechoslovak History in the 20th Century II.] Oftis, Ústí nad Orlicí 2007, pp. 255–260.
- Kampaň proti pravicovému oportunismu před VII. sjezdem KSČ: Případ Stanislava Budína. [Campaign against Rightist-Opportunism before 7th Party Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia: The Case of Stanislav Budin] In: KÁRNÍK, Zdeněk – KOPEČEK, Michal (eds.): Bolševismus, komunismus a radikální socialismus v Československu V. [Bolshevism, Communism and Radical Socialism in the Czechoslovakia V.] ÚSD – Dokořán, Prague 2005, pp. 78–111.
Presentations at significant international workshops and conferences
- 2023| Lost in Transition – Closing Conference, Central European University, Budapest, March 3- 4
- 2023| Séminaire de master et de recherche: „Histoire, politique et culture en Europe médiane“ 2022-2023, INALCO, Paris, March 18 (invited lecture: Managers, Workers and Revolutionaries: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy in Czechoslovakia, 1988–1991)
- 2022|Lost in Transition 7th Workshop, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, November 24-25
- 2022| Worlds of Management: Europe’s Global Entanglements and Management Knowledge since 1945: Authors’ Workshop, Universität Wien, Vienna, May 13
- 2022| Lost in Transition 5th Workshop, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, April 29-30
- 2021| 53rd Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies Annual Convention, December 1-3 (Virtual Convention)
- 2021|Economic Collectivism: Old and New, Universität Wien, Vienna, November 4-6
- 2021| European History Reloaded. Symposium 2021, Utrecht University, Utrecht, October 7-8
- 2021| 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Prague, July 25-31 (online conference)
- 2020| Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Annual Virtual Convention, November 15
- 2020| East-Central Europe from Communism to Populism: Political Agency, Institutional Design, Social Networks 1990-2020, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest – Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Bucharest, October 30 (online conference)
- 2020| Industries, Institutions and Everyday Cultures in Transformation Workshop, ÚSD AV ČR, Prague, October 23
- 2019| Social Science History Association Annual Conference, Chicago, November 21-24
- 2019| Working All Night: Modernity, night shifts and the temporal organization of labour across political and economic regimes, Workshop, Charles University, Prague, November 14-16
- 2019| 1989 in Czechoslovakia: Velvet Revolution as Popular Protest and Elite Politics, Legacies of 1989: Czech-Romanian Perspectives Seminar, The Research Institute of the University of Bucharest and Czech Centre Bucharest, Bucharest, 31 October (invited lecture)
- 2019| Experts in Late Socialist Czechoslovakia and Historiography of Contemporary History: Research Topics, Methodologies, Analytical Potential, Master Class in Comparative Politics, University of Bucharest and Czech Centre Bucharest, Bucharest 30 October 2019 (invited lecture)
- 2019| The Politics of Economic Knowledge under State Socialism Workshop, Central European University, Budapest, June 17-18
- 2019| Cold War Behavioral and Social Sciences in International and Transnational Context Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, May 22-23
- 2019 | Visegrad Talk: Social Sciences and “Socialist Life Style” in Czechoslovakia 1968-1989, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, April 23
- 2019 | Academic Mobility in Cold War Social Science: Biographical and Prosopographical Approaches, Workshop, Central European University, Budapešť, February 21-22
- 2018 | Revolution from Within. Experts, Managers and Technocrats in the Long Transformation of 1989, Imre Kertes Kolleg Jena Annual Conference 2018, Imre Kertes Kolleg, Jena, June 14-15
- 2018 | Economic Knowledge in Socialism. Annual Conference of the Center for the History of Political Economy, Duke University, Durham, April 6-7
- 2018 | Management Practices in Transformation. Interdisciolinary Insights from East Central Europe Workshop, IOS Regensburg (Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies), Regensburg, January 26
- 2017 | 49th Annual ASEEES Convention, Chicago, November 9-12
- 2017 | Jahrestagung des Collegium Carolinum 2017 – Eine Gesellschaft im Umbruch: Der Prager Frühling und seine Akteure, Collegium Carolinum, Bad Wiessee, October 26-29
- 2017 | Politisches Entscheiden im Kalten Krieg: Narrative, Orte und Ressourcen des Entscheidens, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, September 27-29
- 2017 | Eastern Europe in 1968: The Impact of the Prague Spring, Sheffield-Hallam University, Sheffield, July12-13
- 2017 | The Role of Expertise in State Socialist Governance: Management Studies in Czechoslovakia, 1956−1989, lecture at the Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Ost- und Südosteuropas der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, July 12
- 2017 | 21st Annual European Society for History of Economic Thought Conference, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, May 18-20
- 2016 | 25. Berliner Colloquium zur Zeitgeschichte: Blockübergreifende Wissenszirkulation im Kalten Krieg, Berliner Kolleg Kalter Krieg, December 1-3
- 2016 | The Allure of Totalitarianism, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena, October 6-8
- 2016 | 7th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Prague, September 22-24
- 2016 | ISA Research Committee on History of Sociology Interim Conference Monuments, Relics and Revivals, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, July 6-8
- 2016 | Models of Economic and Social Planning in Cold War Europe: Competition, Cooperation, Circulations, 1950s–1970s, University of Geneva, Geneva, May 26-27
- 2016 | Histories of Prediction Workshop, Sciences Po, Paris, April 15-16
- 2016 | Cold War Epistemics, Revisited: Resistance and Legitimation in the Social Sciences Workshop, Central European University, Budapest, February 5-6
- 2015 | 1989 after 1989: Experts, Globalization and Transformation in Late and Post-Socialism workshop, University of Exeter, Exeter, November 5-8
- 2015 | Slovak Economic Association Meeting 2015, Košice, October 1-3
- 2015 | 7th Tensions of Europe Conference: Technology and Environment, Tensions of Europe Network, Stockholm, September 3-6
- 2015 | Between Bukharin and Balcerowicz: The History of Economic Thought Under Communism, Methodological Workshop, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, April 25-26
- 2014 | Technocratic and Humanistic Thought in State Socialism Workshop, Academy of Sciences, Prague, November 13
- 2014 | Writing the History of the “Neoliberal Turn”: Knowledge, Practices and Expertises (1960s – 1980s) Workshop, Sciences Po, Paris, October 17
- 2014 | Scientific Experts: Transnational Communities and Local Dynamics, Du local au global Seminar, Sciences Po, Paris, October 16
- 2014 | 1989: Thinking Revolution in East-Central Europe, Academy of Sciences, Prague, October 2-3
- 2014 | Situating Solidarities: Social Challenges for Science and Technology Studies – European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Conference (EASST), Toruń, September 17-19
- 2014 | Annual Conference of the Imre Kertész Kolleg – State Repression in Socialist Central and Eastern Europe: Comparative Approaches, Warsaw, June 12-13
- 2014 | Malinowski’s Children: East Central European “Betweenness” and Twentieth-Century Social Science, The Heyman Center, Columbia University, New York, May 12
- 2014 | Seminar of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena, Lecture: Social Sciences, Expertise and State Socialist Governance: A Case of Czechoslovak Future Studies, Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena, April 14
- 2014 | History of Economic Thought Under Communism Workshop, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna, April 10-11
- 2013 | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Annual Convention, Boston, November 21-24
- 2013 | Social and Human Sciences on Both Sides of the „Iron Curtain“, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, October 17-19 2013 | Democracy & Technology: Europe in Tension from the 19th to the 21th Century, 6th Plenary Conference of Tensions of Europe, Sorbonne, Paris, September 19-21
- 2012 | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Annual Convention, New Orleans, November 15-18
- 2012 | Politics and Contexts of Science Studies during the Cold War and Beyond, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany, March 22-25
- 2011 | Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) Annual Convention, Washington DC, November 17-20
Other specialist activities
- Translations of specialist literature
- Collaboration with media (Czech Radio, Czech TV)