II. Humans, identities, environments
Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., Vlašská 355/9, 118 00 Praha 1
257 286 349, 603 824 370
Research topics:
- study in national and ethnic minorities, and no-dominant groups in Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic in relation to the recent history, ethnology, migration, nationalism, dialog of cultures, cultural pluralism
- study in recent Czech and Slovak history and ethnology, mainly from the point of view of Czechoslovak relationships, recent history of Russia, study in recent history of Latvia and its national minorities, migration of inhabitants
- 1967–1973: Philosophical faculty, Charles University in Prague, degree PhDr.
- 1979–1982: Institute for ethnography and folklore CSAS,scientific aspirant, degree CSc.
- 1972–1978: editor, Institute for ethnography and folklore, CSAS
- 1973–1975: expert, District Museum, in Louny
- 1983–2020: scientific researcher, Institute for ethnography and folklore, CSAS
- 1990–1991: head of the Department of ethnic processes, ICS CAS
- 1991–1993: head of the Department of Studia Slovaca, ICS CAS
- 1992– till this time, scientific researcher, Institute of Contemporary History, CAS
- 1994–1995: secretary to the Committee for national minorities, City Hall of Prague
- 2009–2012: head of the Department of Jewish, national, and minority studies, ICS CAS
- 2013–2017: head of the Centrum for history of minorities, ICS CAS
- 2018–2022: head of the Group for history of minorities, ICS CAS
- Chief editor of the periodical Listy Slovákov a Čechov, ktorí chcú o sebe vedieť viac …
- Chairwoman of the Documentary centrum of Slovak minority in the Czech Republic
- Member of the executive board of the Slovak cultural club in the Czech Republic
- Member of the Selective committee for language education of national minorities, the Ministry of education, youth and sports
Abroad research fellowships:
- 2018 Institute of history of SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
- 2017 Institute of social sciences of SAS, Košice, Slovakia
- 2012 Institute of sociology of RAS, Moscow, Russia
- 2009 the Department of history, and the Department of Slavonic history, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
- 2008 Department of history, and the Department of Slavonic history, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
- 2007 Uzhorod national university, Uzhorod, Ukraine
- 2005 Institute of history, National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
- 2004 Institute of philosophy and sociology, Latvian academy of sciences, Riga, Latvia
- 2003 Institute of philosophy and sociology of LAS, Institute of history of LAS, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
- 2003 Institute of philosophy and semiotics, University of Tartu; School of humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia
- 2003 Lithuanian institute of history, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 2002 Institute for Slavic studies of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Grants and research projects:
Stand-alone research projects:
- „Totalitarismus a meze tolerance. Na příkladu vztahu komunistické diktatury v Československu k nedominantním společenstvím. Institut fürdie Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Wien, with the Hannach Arendt Award.
- “The Origin and Development of the Modern Slovak Minority in the years 1945–1954”, Research Support Scheme, Open Society Found
- „Porozumění. Česká republika a národnostní menšiny v multikulturním vzdělávání.“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2009
- „Národnostní politika Československa let 1945–1954“, Czech Science Foundation
- „Národnostní menšiny, kulturní pluralismus a multikulturalismus v ČR.“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2010
- „Národnostní menšiny, tradice a vzdělávání v evropském kontextu.“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2011
- „Historie a tradice národnostních menšin vychovávají ke kulturnímu pluralismu,“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 2012
- „Dokumentační a muzejní středisko slovenské národnostní menšiny v ČR při KSK v ČR.“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- „Národnostní menšiny, multikulturní výchova a lidská práva,“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, no. 10183-10/2014, 2014
Participation in the projects:
- 2023–2025: grant project of the regional cooperation No. R300632301 „Legacy of traditions and cultural pluralism in the life of the majority society, national and ethnic minorities in Karlovy Vary“ (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), team member of the project
- 2018–2021: grant project „Legal, historical and social aspects of new and traditional minorities in the Czech Republic“ (Ministry of Culture, NAKI II) – team member
- 2018-2022: grant project „Identification and permanent documentation of cultural landscape and settlement memory: case study of abandoned settlements of Moravia and Silesia“ (Ministry of Culture, NAKI II) – team member
- „Národní program II. Rozvojové zájmy pohraničí na příkladu Orlicka.“ The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Nosková, H.: Prague resonance. The past and present of Slovaks in the Czech Lands. ÚSD AV ČR, Praha, 2014, 199 pp. ISBN: 978-80-7285-178-2
- Nosková, H., Tošovská, E.: Chapters about changes in Králiky border region. ÚSD AV ČR, Praha, 2010, 254 pp. ISBN 978-80-7285-121-8 2003
- Nosková, H., Polišenská, M.: The Czech Republic for foreigners. ÚSD AV ČR, Praha 2003, 87 pp.
- Nosková, H.: Towards origin of Slovaks. Trilabit, Praha, 2001, 256 pp.
- Nosková, H., Váchová, J.: The re-emigration of Czechs and Slovaks from Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria during 1945–1954. ÚSD AV ČR, Praha, 2000, 297 pp.
- Nosková, H.: The return of Czechs from Volhynia. Their hopes vs reality in the years 1945–1954. ÚSD AV ČR, Praha 1999, 187 pp.
Edited Volumes:
- With Antonín Vaishar, David Kovařík, Helena Nosková: National Minorities in Czechia. Life, Traditions and the Present. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR 2022. ISBN 978-80-7285-266-6.
- With Petr Bednařík, Zdenko Maršálek: Nucené migrace v českých zemích ve 20. století. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR 2018. ISBN 978-80-7285-207-9.
- With Petr Bednařík, Blanka Soukupová: Paměť –Národ – Menšiny – Marginalizace – Identity II. Urbánní studie, svazek 7. Praha: Fakulta humanitních věd UK 2014, 174 s. ISBN 978-80-87398-50-0.
- With petr Bednařík, Blanka Soukupová: Paměť – Národ – Menšiny – Marginalizace – Identity I. Urbánní studie, svazek 6. Praha: Fakulta humanitních studií UK, 2013, 262 s. ISBN 978-80-87398-43-2.
- With Petr Bednařík: National Minorities, Identity, Education. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011, 160 s. ISBN 978-80-7285-136-2.
- With Petr Bednařík: Identita národnostních menšin a integrace cizinců střední a východní Evropy ve dvaceti letech svobody. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2011, 188 s. ISBN 978-80-7285-138-6.
- With Petr Bednařík: Národnostní menšiny, multikulturalita, vzdělávání. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny, 2010, 238 s. ISBN 978-80-7285-129-4.