Entering the Parliamentary Stage – Women in Parliament and Politics in International Comparison

U příležitosti 100. výročí zavedení ženského volebního práva v Německu (a v Československu) spolupořádá náš ústav vědeckou konferenci „Entering the Parliamentary Stage – Women in Parliament and Politics in International Comparison“, která se bude konat 6.-8. března 2019 v Berlíně. ÚSD bude na akci reprezentovat Adéla Gjuričová s příspěvkem „Standing for women? Female presence in socialist parliaments“.


A conference on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the introduction of women’s suffrage in Germany. Although the movement for women’s suffrage communicated transnationally and was linked internationally, the common goal of introducing women’s suffrage was achieved at very different times and under unequal conditions: while the spectacular actions of the British suffragettes only achieved gradual success from 1920 onwards, in Finland a not particularly strong women’s movement had already asserted itself in 1906. In France, on the other hand, the right to vote was only introduced after the Second World War.

The historical conference „Entering the parliamentary stage – Women in Parliament and Politics in International Comparison“ will take the 100th anniversary of the introduction of women’s suffrage in Germany as an opportunity to discuss these country-specific developments regarding women’s voting rights. The conference also focuses on the prerequisites and courses of women’s parliamentary careers, the staging of femininity in the parliamentary arena, and the public resonance that women politicians‘ work has from now on met. Renowned historians from Europe and the USA will give lectures.

The conference is organized by the Commission for the History of Parliamentarianism and Political Parties (KGParl, Berlin) in cooperation with the Chair of Gender History at the Historical Institute of the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague) and the Masaryk-Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague).

6th–8th March 2019, Deutscher Bundestag, Anhörungssaal – Raum 3.101, Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, Adele-Schreiber-Krieger-Straße 1, 10117 Berlin


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