Seminář: Post-socialist Urban Transformations in East Central Europe. Cases of Prague and Bratislava
Srdečně zveme na přednášku Matěje Spurného a Petra Roubala na téma Post-socialist Urban Transformations in East Central Europe. Cases of Prague and Bratislava, která se uskuteční 12. prosince 2024 od 11:10 v Drážďanech (TIL R.110) a bude rovněž streamovaná přes Zoom.
V případě online účasti se prosím zaregistrujte do pondělí 9. prosince 2024 na adrese: a uveďte své celé jméno. Odkaz na registraci vám bude zaslán samostatně několik dní před začátkem akce.
Přednáška proběhne v anglickém jazyce a a je druhou ze série Topographies of Transformation: Dresden–Prague Talks, kterou pořádáme ve spolupráci s Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung.
This lecture will trace the socio-economic and spatial transformations of Prague and Bratislava in a process of long change from the early 1980s to the second half of the 1990s. The speakers will draw on their long-term research and the current project „In Search of the Postmodern City“. Specifically, they will focus on the privatisation of housing, the transformation of historic inner cities and the treatment of socialist heritage after 1989. In doing so, they will attempt to find answers to the question of global contexts, but also local late socialist roots of post-revolutionary transformations. Basically, this will be an inquiry into continuities and discontinuities of urban life and urban policies before and after 1989. And, moreover, into results of some of these actions, which last and form urban life in the region until today. In a more general sense, this lecture will also reflect on the possibilities of researching post-socialist urban transformations and the perspectives from which this important subject of contemporary history can be approached.
The talk is part of the HAIT Lecture Series Lost (in) Transformation: Answers from the Recent Past to Challenges of Today in the winter semester and the Dresden-Prague Talks. Maren Hachmeister will moderate the talk.