Seminář: Quest for a New Europe? The Soviet Union, Central European Countries and the Emerging Visegrad Cooperation, 1989-1991
Datum: 30. října 2024, od 16:00
Místo: Studovna ÚSD AV ČR (Vlašská 355/9, Praha 1)
The period between 1989 and 1991 is often understood as the beginning of the post-Cold War order. While new literature sheds light on the role of Western leaders in shaping this new international order through the unification of Germany, the policies of the former Eastern bloc countries are not yet well examined. In this seminar we will explore the European policies of the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries during these years, based on archival documents from the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Russia.
Vystupující: Jun Fujisawa (Kobe University)
Komentují: Daniela Kolenovská (FSV UK/ÚSD AV ČR) a Matěj Bílý (ÚSD AV ČR)
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