Mezi Čechy a Němci, mezi vědou a životem. K poctě historičky Aleny Míškové

Tamara Nováková, Markéta Devátá, Antonín Kostlán

The book is dedicated to the historian Alena Míšková (1957–2015) and focuses on Czech-German and Czech-Austrian relations in the 19th and 20th centuries – in the Habsburg Monarchy, the First and Second Czechoslovak Republics, under the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and during the post-war Czechoslovakia as well. The topic is approached from different perspectives of political, economic and cultural history with special attention to the history of science and education. The authors belong to the students, colleagues or friends of Alena Míšková. The monograph includes her biography and bibliography and was published by the Charles University, Faculty of Education, and the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences (in Ad honorem eruditorum series).

NOVÁKOVÁ, Tamara – DEVÁTÁ, Markéta – KOSTLÁN, Antonín (eds.). Mezi Čechy a Němci, mezi vědou a životem. K poctě historičky Aleny Míškové. Praha: Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR, v. v. i. a Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, 2020. 564 s. Ad honorem eruditorum, sv. 7. ISBN 978-80-88304-30-2 (MÚA AV ČR) a 978-80-7603-207-1 (UK, PedF).

Mezi Čechy a Němci, mezi vědou a životem. K poctě historičky Aleny Míškové

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