Pojetí a prosazování komunistické výchovy v Československu 1948–1989

Jaroslav Cuhra, Marie Černá, Markéta Devátá, Tomáš Hermann, Pavlína Kourová

220 Kč


The presented book [Concept and implementation of Communist education in Czechoslovakia] deals with partly downplayed phenomenon of communist education. The authors´ intention was to describe the “formation of a new socialist man” as a comprehensive programme targeting people on an almost daily basis, albeit with a varying intensity in different times. As a matter of fact, it is the ubiquity of specific forms of ideological shaping that makes the communist (political, ideological) education a significant element in the history of the Czech society of the second half of the 20th century. In six chapters, the authors describe communist education both from the aspect of its relevance in society as a whole (ideology of Marxism-Leninism, atheism), and in relation to various target groups (children, university students, workers, women).

CUHRA, Jaroslav – ČERNÁ, Marie – DEVÁTÁ, Markéta – HERMANN, Tomáš – KOUROVÁ, Pavlína. Pojetí a prosazování komunistické výchovy v Československu 1948–1989. Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, v.v.i., 2020. 308 s. Česká společnost po roce 1945, sv. 15. ISBN 978-80-7285-250-5.

Pojetí a prosazování komunistické výchovy v Československu 1948–1989

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Jaroslav Cuhra

Marie Černá

Markéta Devátá

Tomáš Hermann

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