Věčná devadesátá. Proměny české společnosti po roce 1989

Veronika Pehe, Lenka Krátká, a kol.

The book shows how Czech society changed in the 1990s, what new political, economic and social events followed after November 1989, and where we can spot sometimes surprising continuities with the era of communist domination. In eleven thematic chapters, the authors focus on both general and specific stories of business, housing, civil society, sport, culture, media, etc. Experts and eye witnesses share their memories and insights in interviews. Together, they show that the 1990s were not just a wild time of unqualified freedom, unflattering hairstyles, ill-fitting jackets or an era of criminal darkness. They were much more than that – afer all, that is why they are eternal. The book captures the variety, diversity and contradictions of experience in this unique decade.

PEHE, Veronika a kol. Věčná devadesátá. Proměny české společnosti po roce 1989. Brno: CPress, 2023. 271 s. ISBN 978-80-264-4965-2.

Věčná devadesátá. Proměny české společnosti po roce 1989

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